This show is dedicated to a fellow performer, a soulful singer, actor, and a much loved Octagon member whom we lost last year, the great Bill Finn.
What an inspirational man!!! He had a phenomenal dedication to his art which he loved to inspire in others.
The show is a medley of songs being performed by very talented artists, some of which were inspired by Bill.
We thank you for your legacy.
Paul Dickens-Jacobs, Larissa Matherson, Campbell Norman, Ringi Smith, Olliy Rolland, Mike Guest, Phoebe Blacklaws, Carine Lange, Rana-Antoinette Gagnon(understudy), Michelle Peachey, Josh Tyler, David Cartledge, Chloe Mason, Jess Newey, Max Annadale, Bill Finn(posthumously)