Page 3 - OT_70th Anniversary
P. 3

This is the story of               Membership of the Society was open to all
                           how  we arrived at where           and by  no means necessitated acting
                           we are today with our              ability as  members were needed  for
                           successes and failures             various other skills  such  as management,
                          and  how  we overcame the           stage management,  make-up, wardrobe,
                   latter.    During  and immediately         lighting and set construction.
        after World War II the people of Whangarei
        were starved         for   live entertainment.        We aimed to  encourage members  to take
        Anything  that moved  on stage  was                   part in all aspects  of theatre  -  particularly
        welcomed with open arms.    A group  of               young people  -  and  to give  them an
        enthusiastic thespians  were such  movers.            understanding of  live  theatre while, at  the
        They really got their act together and a lot          same time, bringing  entertainment  to suit
        of hard work took place under the guidance            our audience's tastes.    That was basically
        of Mr.  Harmon  Smith and Miss G                      the aim and object of the Society and still is
        McCluskey (a professional Typist and                  today.
                                                              Committee meetings were held in different
        A notice  appeared in the  Northern                   members’  homes,  as were  play readings
        Advocate stating that a public meeting                and rehearsals  -  finishing of course with
        would  be held at  the YWCA  Hall, Rust               tea or coffee.
        Avenue on the evening of Thursday April 8
        1948, and  inviting people  who might  be             The  first major production was  ‘Autumn
        interested to attend.  From that meeting the          Crocus’, staged at  the Whangarei  Boys'
        Whangarei Repertory Society was formed,               High School Gymnasium Hall on Thursday
        with the object of catering for those citizens        July 21 1949, directed by Eric Blow, with a
        who were  interested in  the  production of           cast of thirteen.  Whangarei Repertory was
        drama.                                                on its way!

        The first elected committee was: President            The  choice  of second major production
        Mr  H A  Henderson, Vice-President  Mrs J             caused  a  minor hiccup  when the High
        Drayton, Secretary  Mrs L  Rishworth,                 School Principal learnt that in one scene a
        Committee:  Mrs J Durney, Mrs I Busck, Mr             man and a woman,  who were not married
        R Orr,  Mr  R  Drayton,  Mr B  Spring, Dr A           to each other, were to appear in the same
        Webb and Mr D Stokes.                                 bed together.    Oh Dear!!! This was a No-
                                                              No in those times and required a change of
        The  first rehearsed  play was  ‘The Linden           venue.
        Tree’ produced by Harry Field in November
        1948 at the home of Ron and Joy Drayton.              The  first major  production  was therefore
                                                              staged in the  Whangarei  Town Hall  -  a
        Now the  chase  began  -  to  find a hall             comedy by  Kenneth Horne,  ‘Jane Steps
        suitable for our requirements.    After many          Out’ on November 16 1949.
        refusals, the Society  finally rented the
        Methodist Church  Hall in  Bank  Street in            Play  readings  were held, open  to the
        April 1949  but in 1950  we were asked  to            public,  in the  Parochial  Hall on a monthly
        find alternative accommodation  as the hall           basis.    Play readings were presented,
        was required for other church activities.  So         rehearsed (but with books) and in costume;
        the hunt was on again  and this time  we              the  public comments  were always the
        were lucky with the rental of the Parochial           same:    "You know,  I never noticed  the
        Hall in Kamo Road on 13 March 1951 (13                books".  From these readings (and often by
        unlucky  for some but lucky for us).    This          public demand),  major  productions were
        agreement  was to stand us  in good stead             decided upon and auditions  called.    The
        for the next ten plus years.                          play was then presented in the Town Hall.
                                                              For the next seven  years  the Whangarei
                                                              Repertory Society  kept the  citizens  of
                                                              Whangarei        very     happy       with     live

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