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Clarissa, wife of a diplomat, is adept at spinning tales of adventure but when a murder takes place in her drawing room she finds live drama much harder to cope with. Desperate to dispose of the body before her husband arrives with an important politician, she enlists the help of her guests. Hilarity ensues when they are interrupted by the arrival of wry detective, Inspector Lord.

A conscious parody of the detective thriller, Christie delivers a unique blend of suspense and humour. There is tension and laughter in equal parts in an intricate plot of murder, police, drug addicts, invisible ink, hidden doorways and secret drawers.


  • Clarissa Hailsham-Brown - Brooke Collett
  • Sir Rowland - David Dickens-Jacobs
  • Hugo Birch - Michael Tor
  • Jeremy Warrender - Jayden Lincoln
  • Inspector - Cédric Boué
  • Mrs. Elgin - Jessica Gray
  • Miss Peake - Sharon Hecker
  • Pippa - Rana-Antoinette Gagnon
  • Henry Hailsham-Brown - Cameron Tor
  • Constable Jones - Kendall Hucker


  • Director - Kirsten Parker-Van Eck
  • Stage Manager - Kirsten Parker-van Eck
  • Costumes - Katrina Symonds
  • Sound & Music - Rana-Antoinette Gagnon
  • Lighting Programmer - Cameron Tor
  • Lighting & Sound Operator - Aaron Gray & Katrina Symonds
  • Set Design & Decorating - Kirsten Parker-van Eck
  • Set Construction - Colin Lee
  • Props - Kirsten Parker-van Eck
  • Photography - Rana-Antoinette Gagnon