Page 11 - OT_70th Anniversary
P. 11

‘84 Charing Cross  Road’  directed by Jane
                                                              Barr was our next  production.   Another
                                                              unusual play bringing some newcomers to
                                                              the theatre and the return of  Hamish Barr
                                                              in  what was perhaps one of his favourite
                                                              roles as he had no lines to learn!  His was,
                                                              however an essential role  and sadly  soon
                                                              after this season  finished  Hamish died

                                                              During this year we  had a garage built  at
                                                              the back of  the section  to accommodate
                                                              the  stage  flats and  other properties. The
                                                              plan was then to convert the original props
                                                              shed into a dressing room/green room.
                                                              Rick Billing built a large storage shed  for
                                                              timber used for  construction of  sets.    The
        As the old adage states, the show must go             weather hampered  his building  but he got
        on and we had already decided on the next             there in the end.
        production.    ‘Communicating Doors’  was
        directed  by  Richard Harris.    This play
        presented some challenges with a ‘Tardis-
        like’ time  capsule,  strobe lighting and
        confusing time  warps,  but it worked.
        Natalie Berghan had been a member of the
        cast but after the play we bade her and her
        family farewell  as they  were travelling to
        Britain to work for a while.

        The end of year production was  entitled
        ‘Kiwi Kabaret’  and  took the form of  a
        Karaoke style show.  This was co-directed
        by Barry Freebairn and Jeanette Reid.  We              Barry Freebairn hard at work on dining room refurbishment
        had  a mixture of some recorded and  live
        music and, once again, some new faces.                Barry Freebairn started stripping the
                                                              wallpaper from the dining  room walls,  his
        Renovations were undertaken  during the  intention  being to have  the  job  completed
        summer recess in the form of wallpapering  by the next production.  This timing did not
        in  the passage  and conservatory.    The  quite work out and, as we served meals to
        talents of Barbara Thomson, Jane Barr and  the patrons  in  the theatre for the  Music
        Carol and Barry Freebairn were used for  Hall, all was well.
        this and things  were looking very  tidy and
        clean.                                                The end of the year was celebrated with a
                                                              Music Hall style show entitled ‘Masquerade
        2003                                                  II’.    This started  out as a copy  of
        We needed to replace  the dishwasher, so              ‘Masquerade’  which  we had done some
        we purchased and installed a second-hand              years ago.  However, it soon began to take
        steriliser-type unit before the play seasons          on its own personality - so we kept the title.
        started.                                              This  production  was  directed  by Graeme
                                                              Watson with a little help (interference) from
        The first was ’Laying the Ghost’ directed by          Barry Freebairn.
        Wendy Bell.  This production brought Pete
        Romer to the theatre  and,  after his acting          2004
        role in the play, Pete has  gone  on to               The year  began with more renovations.
        provide us with some  wonderful publicity             Barry was continuing  with painting  the
        and posters  as well  as  performing in               dining room  walls  whilst Rick  built an
        several shows.                                        extension  to the wardrobe, incorporating
                                                              part of the old dressing room.  All this was

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