Page 17 - OT_70th Anniversary
P. 17
We had found it difficult to get a play
planned for the next slot. In fact no play,
nor director and therefore no cast and we
needed some income. That being so,
Carol Freebairn suggested perhaps she
could do Roger Hall's 'The Book Club'
again as it would only involve Carol, a
director and a prompt to start with. After all,
it was 10 years since it had been done. It
was something to do in our desperation.
Luckily for us, Richard Harris came to the
'No Dinner for Sinners" rescue as he had found a play he was
In November we changed from the Music willing to direct. Carol was off the hook!
Hall style of show and staged a
melodrama, 'Ranger's Danger' directed by In August came 'At the Sign of the Crippled
Fiona Bullivant. This was Fiona's first Harlequin' by Norman Robbins and
directing role and, whilst a challenge to directed by Richard Harris. Richard likes
control the chaos which ensued with the mystery and twists and turns and this play
old-fashioned heroes and damsels in was no exception.
distress, she managed it very well.
'Ranger's Danger'
Our first play for the year was Roger Hall's
'Four Flat Whites in Italy' directed by Jane
Barr. This play had a few set challenges,
needing a gondola and a car to be brought
on stage!! These items were cleverly
constructed by Dave Williams, Bob
Bullivant and Bill Finn. The things we do!
'At the Sign of the Crippled Harlequin'
November heralded our Christmas Music
Hall style show entitled 'Showtime' directed
by Bill Finn. As the title suggests, we sang
songs from the shows. AND we used the
gondola again, encouraging members of
the audience to come and be serenaded.
They even received a certificate!