Page 20 - OT_70th Anniversary
P. 20

2014                                                 As  we approached  the end of the year,
         We  had  applied for a  grant for funds  to          how  appropriate  then that  we called that
         replace the roof of the theatre and house,           show 'Here We Are Again'  directed by  Bill
         and we were  lucky enough to once  again             Finn  and Carol  Freebairn (Yes, instead  of
         receive a grant from Pub Charities  for              alternating, they  decided  to  own  up to the
         $20,000 which  enabled us to  replace  the           fact  that they always  interfered in each
         roof of  the  theatre as this  was  in worse         other’s shows so they  might as  well be
         repair than that of the house.                       jointly responsible) Not much change there
         We had been approached  by  Ray Palmer
         who is part of a Bell Ringing group here in  2015
         Whangarei.   They  were hoping to find  a            This year was auspicious  for one of  our
         small theatre, with great venue  for a               members,  Meg Legg our Front of  House
         performance  or two  for the public.   The           person for  many years.  On January 24th
         Octagon Theatre seemed to be an  ideal               2015 Meg celebrated her 100th birthday.
         size and, like many things, the idea grew to         We feel this  has to  go on record as we
         incorporate the bell ringers, the Whangarei          might not get  (m)any more  members
         Recorder group and some of the Octagon               reaching that age!!
         members.   This became  'Bells, Whistles
         and Rhymes'  and comprised  contributions            May heralded  'Death by Golf'  by Gregg
         from both guest groups interspersed by               Kreutz, directed by Wendy Berridge.
         poems, monologues and limericks  from
         some of the Octagon members.  This was
         a  4-performance  season and was enjoyed
         by all.

         Our May  production was  a  comedy,  'Play
         On' by Rick Abbott and directed by Tracey
         Lawson.    An interesting play within a play
         as  it showed rehearsals where  the author
         of  the play kept  interfering in everything,
         causing chaos as she went.

         July gave us 'Side Effects' by Eric Chappell
         and directed by  Richard Harris.    Another                              'Death by Golf'
         comedy which proved  to be another
         success enjoyed by all.
                                                              In August we staged  'Dead Guilty'  by
                                                              Richard Harris, directed by Jane Barr.

                                                              In November  'This  is Your  Life Octagon
                                                              Theatre'  was  directed by Wendy  Berridge.
                                                              This highlighted some of  the people and
                                                              performances through the years, with some
                                                              dedications, one of  which  was  to our
                                                              Centenarian Meg.

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